Sunday, March 18, 2012

Team Jobs

The class is divided into their home table teams (4 – 5 individuals depending on class overall size) and the team member roles are as follows:

The History Scholars

Map maker:  Defines Sir Cadillac's journey stages by identifying what important city landmarks will be used as waypoints. Identifys the location of Sir Cadillac's treasure, which is at the end of the journey's path. Creates a mapping of Sir Cadillac's path on a Google Map of the city using Google Sketch Up.

Mathematician:  Calculates the waypoint location coordinates and position vectors of each stage of Sir Cadillac's journey. Calculates the stages' and total distance traveled by Sir Cadillac during his journey.  Calculates the treauser's location relative to the math students' school location.

Translator:  Translates Sir Cadillac’s path of waypoint coordinates into into a log of directions that the archeologists (Math Students) must follow in order to find the waypoints and, ultimately, the treasure location.

Team Leader:  Provides instruction of the Pyhtagorean Theorem to the math students and is the communicator with the math students during their solving of the Scavanger Hunt.